Offering Our Help
At Residing Hope Outpatient Counseling, formerly known as Circle of Friends Services, we believe that all individuals, both adults and children, can cope with traumatic life events and go on to lead productive lives with proper help and support.
It is the goal of Outpatient Counseling to provide that help and support through trauma-focused mental health therapy provided by our skilled and caring professionals.
Services Provided
Individual/Family Therapy
As our work with each client begins, we assess what is the best path to bring the client and the family to permanency. Our therapists use a combination of individual and family therapy to address the changing needs of the family unit as they move along this path. Our therapists are Adoption Competent Trained and receive extensive training in treatment of trauma.
Infant Mental Health
Therapists specially trained in working with the Zero to Five population provide early intervention strategies for children and their caretakers. Research has proven that early intervention with this population is vital for secure attachment and healthy emotional growth and development.
Supervised Therapeutic Visitations
Visitation between children and caretakers following removal to foster care can be stressful. Our therapists mentor parents and children in a therapeutic setting to make visitation part of a healing experience.
Comprehensive Behavioral Health Assessment
All children sheltered in the state of Florida receive this comprehensive assessment as the initial step in planning for the child’s permanency. The child’s developmental, medical, educational and emotional needs are all assessed as a way to develop a meaningful plan for the child’s successful future.
Post Adoption Support Group
Adoption is a lifelong journey that involves all members of the newly formed family. The Post Adoption Support Group is designed to help families through the “Normative Crises” of every adoption. These normative crises are usually connected to the core issues of any adoption, including the experiences of loss, memories of the biological family, and post traumatic symptoms of the adoptive child.

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Fill Out Referral FormVerified Employees & Contractors
These Employees have all passed a Florida Level II Background screening meaning they have had a Federal FBI check and State FDLE check and are cleared to work safely with our children and adults.
Program Leadership
Barbara Defazzio – LMHC, DCFC, CCTP
VP of Outpatient Clinical Services
Carol Parham, LMHC, MA, CCTP, Ed.D
Program Manager
Daisy M. Ayala
Director of Community Relations , Adoption competent
Contract Therapists Serving Hillsborough and Pasco Counties
Joe Saunders, MS
Andria Boyd-Diggs, RMFTI, MS
Marcus Hibbler, RMHCI, MS
Contract Therapists Serving Orange, Osceola, and Seminole Counties
Rebecca Tulloch, RCSWI, MSW
Janet Ghent, PMHC, Provisional Certified Social Worker
Adoption Competent Therapist
Contract Therapists Serving Volusia County
Contract Therapists Serving Manatee and Sarasota Counties
Comprehensive Behavioral Health Assessors
Cinthya Freeborn, LMSW
Provisional Certified Social Worker Adoption Competent
Jim Beller, LMHC, MA
Clinical trainings are available for agency professionals and cover a range of topics including trauma treatment, play therapy, and other techniques. CEU credits are available.
Accepted Providers include all Medicaid HMOs, our Community Based Care partners, Children’s Medical Services, and grant donations.