A Different Kind of Place
The Madison Youth Ranch provides therapeutic residential care in a peaceful, rural setting. The Youth Ranch combines this unique environment with an Equine Assisted Psychotherapy program for those children who would benefit from this type of specialized therapy.
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) is a specialized type of therapy for those who may have difficulties communicating in a more traditional counseling session. It involves the combined use of horses, a licensed therapist, and a horse specialist, all working with the child to address various individual treatment goals. This unique method enables the child to learn about themselves and others by actually participating in activities with the horses, and then processing or discussing their feelings with the therapist. The horse’s presence is therapeutic in that it is a dynamic and powerful living being. There is also a healing bond that can develop between humans and horses. EAP utilizes this relationship with the horse as a tool to mirror the child’s experiences and to facilitate change. In fact, positive results can usually be seen as quickly as the first session.
In addition to the stable and corral that support the EAP program, the Youth Ranch has a wide range of activities for the children living in the two residential cottages. The chapel is at the center of the Youth Ranch, supporting the Spiritual Life program and providing space for the children and staff to gather, worship, and fellowship. There is a pool to provide relief from the Florida heat, as well as opportunities around campus for volleyball, horseshoes, and hiking. The children also participate in an extensive horticultural program that includes a large garden with a variety of vegetables, and have a chicken coop with hens that produce fresh eggs.
The Ranch was designed and programs were created with an emphasis on healing for our children. The children here have been exposed to abuse and other trauma that require specialized therapeutic care. As the children work with and care for the horses, they are learning to open up, to cope with their trauma, and to heal.
The decision to seek residential placement for a child is often difficult and challenging.
The Residing Hope Admissions team strives to serve children and families by working closely with the appropriate agencies to obtain the information, assessments and referrals necessary to make the best placement. Our goal is to ensure that your child’s needs are met in the least restrictive environment.
Residing Hope does not discriminate. This includes discrimination based on disability, e.g. hearing and vision impairment, or language barriers.